Monday 24 February 2014

final cover linked to research


My final cover links to my research findings because it represents what my target audience liked and disliked.
 The colours that most attracted the audience were black, red and blue. I chose to go with blue, black and purple as I thought it worked better with my magazine. The shadow colour on the artists name is similar to the colour on his jacket. I wanted the colour scheme to link in with what my artist was wearing. I asked my target audience what most atttracted them to the front cover and the majority said the artist. On my magazine, I made sure I met those results as I have made the artist the biggest thing on the front cover. I have written little text to draw more attention to the artist. As the text and font was the second highest result from my research, I made sure to use a font that looked like graffiti to link in with theme of hip-hop. I made sure the text was in big, bold font so it stood out to the readers. The artist represents the hip-hop genre as he's wearing a hoodie and a snapback which are typically seen by male hip-hop artists.

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