Monday 10 March 2014

Contents Page Research/ Deconstruction

This is the deconstruction of my content page, in which this content page should determine the route of how my content page will turn out.
This content page is from Vibe magazine which has different varies of genres including hip hop artist from America and England. I chose this content page because I favoured the layout and how it would fit the genre specifically.

The image of the main artist of the article fits the style of the content page and that what I had in mind with mine. The way the artist is positioned on the page is attention grabbing which I want with that kind of effect.

The masthead I also like the way it is on the page I am definitely taking that into the effect with my content page not so much the colours because they don’t really, fit into my type of genre colours exact.

The features on the page I am going to use the layout in which the features on the magazine but put it slightly up the page to give a better effect and bolder then on this magazine.

Also I like the big ‘V’ that is on kayne west but that is representing for vibe magazine so I need to create something similar to that but more for my genre.

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